You see, when you back up JDE_PRODUCTION (for example) and restore it as JDE_CRP, it doesn't bother to change the owners. The R98403 will do that for you, but it will take three weeks to finish it.
I found this awesome script that will change all the table owners quick and easy. I got it from Scott Forsythe over at
This script will work in SQL 2005 and SQL 2008. It's the greatest!DECLARE @old sysname, @new sysname, @sql varchar(1000)SELECT@old = 'OldOwner_CHANGE_THIS', @new = 'NewOwner_CHANGE_THIS', @sql = 'IF EXISTS (SELECT NULL FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.TABLESWHEREQUOTENAME(TABLE_SCHEMA)+''.''+QUOTENAME(TABLE_NAME) = ''?''AND TABLE_SCHEMA = ''' + @old + ''')EXECUTE sp_changeobjectowner ''?'', ''' + @new + ''''EXECUTE sp_MSforeachtable @sql
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